Breeding of High-yield Lycopene Producing Strains of Streptomyces rimosus and Studies on Its Flask Culture Conditions Optimization of Fermentation Conditions and Mensuration of Antimicrobial Activities of Monascus Pigment 高产番茄红素链霉菌选育及摇瓶发酵研究红曲霉产色素发酵条件优化及抑菌性能的测定
Study of Selection with Copper Vapor Laser Followed by Lithium Chloride Treatment in Streptomyces rimosus 铜蒸气激光及其与氯化锂复合选育龟裂链霉菌的研究
Because of its ability of producting oxytetracycline ( OTC), Streptomyces rimosus has become commercial producer of OTC. 由于其能产土霉素(Oxytetracycline,OTC),该菌已成为OTC的主要商业化生产菌株。